2011년 11월 15일 화요일


I recommended going to Panama Viejo or Casco Viejo but you have to be really careful because someone can rob you. However Panama Viejo and Casco Viejo are getting more and more, safer for tourists, so it won’t be too dangerous in the morning. The district of Chorrillo is also really dangerous because it’s an area with many poor people. I wouldn’t go to Chorrillo because it’s a place even polices doesn’t go in, so don’t go there in any occasions. Some people say Amador Causeway is also a little dangerous in night or if you go too far in. However Amador Causeway isn’t really dangerous because it’s a place with many people and one of the favorite places for tourists.
·         Panama Viejo and Casco Viejo is a little bit dangerous
·         Casco Viejo and Panama Viejo is getting safer
·         District of Chorillo is dangerous
·         Amador Causeway is a little dangerous
·         Amador is fine to go except in the nights.

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